Medium Rare 99cent Book Launch!

12483023_10153404470691985_1313634818_o Grab a copy of Medium Rare – Limited time offer of 99cents!

Good afternoon everyone! So if you’ve been following along here the past couple of months you’ve probably seen (maybe even read 😉 ) a couple of chapters from my latest book MEDIUM RARE.

I’m very pleased to announce that that book is finally finished and available to read in full on Amazon! For the next week you can buy it for 99cents as a special introductory offer for everyone who follow this blog and my mailing list!

The Profane Series takes place in the same fictional universe as The Blood & Bone Series and can be read as a sister series in either order. You may notice several characters from The Profane Series who were introduced in previous Blood & Bone novels and vice versa.

Now, while a small portion (about 10%) of this book is taken from “The Suicide Case,” the whole story has been expanded and made part of a much larger story, so even if you’ve read “The Suicide Case” I believe there is a lot here for you to enjoy.

Happy Reading!
xoxo, Lia


A good cop, a good son, a loyal partner–none of this was enough to save Lachlan Graham’s nerves when his entire world fell apart three years ago.

A former Seattle Police Officer, Lachlan has spent the time since he left the force trying to piece his life together after being abandoned by his partner: Detective Vector Clanahan. But with a dead neighbor downstairs, his carefully constructed solitude is soon to be invaded on all fronts.

Meanwhile, Vector Clanahan’s about to return to his old stomping grounds as the West Coast serial killer he’s been tracking leads him right to his ex-partner’s front door. 

Grab your copy of Medium Rare for 99cents today!

The Profane Series: Medium Rare Chapter 4b

Previous Parts 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

The Profane Series: Medium Rare Chapter 4b

May 2012 – Briarwood, ID

It was a ten hour drive to Briarwood. But rather than hijack the sherif’s vehicles, they dropped their entourage off in Vegas to handle the Searchlight bodies before grabbing a quick flight up to Twin Falls. From there they drove seventy-five miles due north to the Blaine County Sheriff’s Station, fifteen miles south of their final destination: Briarwood, population four hundred and eight according to the 2010 census, was situated on the edge of Sawtooth National Forest.

“Like I tried to tell you on the phone,” Blaine County Sheriff’s Deputy Billy Forest said, ushering them into the city’s small morgue facility. “The bodies we’re digging up way pre-date what you’re looking for. From the style of clothing and the degree of decay, the Briarwood bodies look like they’re from at least the forties. Maybe earlier.”

“Can I see the crime scene photos?” Vector asked in a low voice, interrupting Henderson’s automatic grumbling.

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The Porfane Series: Medium Rare Chapter 4a

Previous Parts 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Chapter 4a

May 2012 – Searchlight, NV – Vector

Vector sat in the SUV, chewing lethargically on his McDonalds fries. He could see the four FBI agents seated at a booth inside, talking about something intently.

He’d been assigned to the Bureau for just over thirty-four months and in all that time, he hadn’t even begun to figure out how to crack their human boy’s club.

It was different than it had been in Seattle, even when his own partner hadn’t acknowledged Vector’s supernatural status, at least Lachlan had been his partner. They hadn’t been as close as Vector wanted them to be, but there had been a time he would have considered them friends, if nothing else.

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